President's Report 2024
This year has proved to be another successful year for Halling Gardening Society. A flyer detailing
all the events planned for 2024 was delivered to every household in Halling in partnership with
Halling Historical Society. The events included seed swapping, dahlia splitting, cutting classes, a
plant sale and a boat trip to Allington Castle. This trip was highly successful. Appropriately, the
gardeners at the Castle were also our historical guides.
The annual plant sale at The Five bells was again a great success and our thanks go to the
landlord at The Five Bells and all those that helped.
Both the Spring and Autumn shows were well attended and exhibits were better than anticipated
considering some adverse weather conditions, including exceptional rainfall.
I would like to thank all of the Committee for their commitment and hard work throughout the year
and, as ever, to all you members of HGS who are the lifeblood of the Society. Your support during
the past year has helped the year such a success.
Chris Beaney, President